Simply Stunning!

It was by way of chance that the other evening I sat down with members of my family to watch "Quartet" starring Maggie Smith and Billy Connelly. Both were hugely entertaining especially Connelly who, it could be said, had the script written for him. However,
it was the closing credits that really brought me to attention as it was Verdi's quartet from the third act of Rigoletto that they played over the top. Now, I am no opera officianado, but, I was immediately struck by the quartet and not knowing who had sung
it and not having noticed it on the credits I googled it. It was then that I discovered a version on youtube with Pavarotti, Sutherland, and co. So, with the help of my bluetooth speaker purchased at the NEC in Feb, I played it as loud as the speaker would
allow. To say it is stunning is to understate it by some margin. It is sublime. Sutherland is, as always, supreme but they are all superb and at the top of their game. From the first note to the ecstatic last, it flows like a rich wine. This has to be one
of the most beautiful sounds that human voices have ever uttered. The audience certainly thought so! Please listen and if it doesn't make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, then something is seriously wrong! No matter how many times I hear it, it
never loses it beauty. ENJOY.