Mr D's thermal cooker- my assessment

Hi all. I said some time ago that I would let you know my findings and thoughts on the Mr D's Thermal Cooker that I purchased at the NEC show in Feb. This particular piece of kit was purchased because I had gone non EHU and one of the disadvantages of that
was that I had lost the ability to have a slow cooker which I think are brilliant for that hot meal after a tiring drive or a day fell walking , whatever.
Well I needn't have worried. I have cooked with this on several occasions now, the most recent being today to feed ourselves and my daughter and SIL visiting us from the south with my new grandson. I decided to use the Mr D's as it was very convenient due
to certain circumstances. I decided to do a Malay chicken curry with rice. - It was brilliant. The curry and the rice was cooked in separate containers inside the thermal cooker at the same time. Praise from the family was loud and clear. The rice - light
and fluffy, the curry to die for. I can now thoroughly recommend this item. Saving 80% in fuel, it's the perfect partner for off grid cooking!