Dealer service / quality
i have had second hand and now finally bought the present caravan from new. I wanted to ask about the quality of dealer service or maybe my expectation and experience have just been bad. Things like 5 to 7 days to service a a caravan? It takes a day to service
a car........ If you don't completely unload things from the caravan we will charge you more for the extra hours it takes?
Had a 2009 caravan which had two services at a dealers and then traded in at another dealers for the new caravan and they found it riddled with damp ! What had the other dealer been doing when they tested it......
can we not get some professionalism in the dealers, wouldn't it be nice to book it in for a service, they phone you a week before to let you know what you can leave in or take out And fully explain the time it will take. Give an allocated time to deliver
and an easy access and parking spot for when you arrive(with good directions to the location, instead of 'oh sorry did we not mention the service depot is on an industrial estate five miles away'
I could go on but I do just wish they could provide a better service........