Peugeot Boxer - Battery Bulletin

Came across this the other day on another forum, checked my battery in our 2013 Bailey 760se motorhome and it does have the wrong battery fitted. Spoke to Peugeot and our local dealer and it is being replaced this week with the correct more powerful battery.
" Peugeot Motor Company PLC. have been made aware that some Peugeot Boxer cabs have bee fitted with the incorrect 680Ah battery."
All Peugeot Boxer cabs should come with a 950Ahbattery as standard and if it is found that this is not the case then the retailer or customer can take their vehicle to a Peugeot franchised dealership who will replace it under the manufacturer's
If there are any further concerns please contact Customer care using one of the following methods. Send an email to or telephone 0845 200 1234 - option 2 and provide the following case information:
a) Vehicle registration
b) Chassis number
c) Vehicle mileage
d) Decription of the issue
e) Relevant Pegeot dealer information
f) Motorhome dealer information
g) Customer information (name address etc)
Once the case is created by Peugeot Customer Care they will allocate the case to a Customer relations manager.