Motorhome Warranties

We have recently bought our second new motorhome and for the second time found that the vehicle chassis has been registered for its warranty before the vehicle is first registered with the DVLA. Surely this can not have just happened to us? I think that the dealership selling the base vehicle to the converters, are registering them as soon as they are sold. It can then take up to a year for the manufacturer to use the base chassis to make the unit and sell it, by then the vehicle has lost a years worth of its warranty. Our latest vehicle registered 1/12/12 was actually first registered for its warranty on the 5/12/11. We have spoken to our local Fiat service centre and they are going to speak to Fiat to get the start date altered to the first registered date, fingers crossed. But we had exactly the same when we bought our first camper a VW.
If you do not know when your warranty start date is I urge you all to check with your local service centre they will need your chassis number and can tell you instantly when the vehile was registered.
Has anyone else had this issue?