Heating your MH on the move

Hi our 1st MH gets delivered in late winter and it has Alde wet central heating. Can we have the heating on in the living accommodation as we travel so its warm when we get to site? Or does the heating not take long to warm the accommodation so we can just turn it on when we get to site. To help with your answer our MH will be brand new
If the Alde heating runs on gas then for safety reasons it would be a no no to have a gas appliance running whilst travelling. Also, if it needs 12v power to run,and I assume it's a pumped system, the domestic 12v supply usually shuts down when the engine is running. I can't answer for how quickly it would heat the interior up, but bear in mind that the cab heating will warm the living area up so it won't be cold like the interior of a caravan would when you arrive on site.
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I can't say for the Alde heating as we haven't got it but I can tell you that our motorhome is never that cold when we arrive on site. We have the cab heating on whilst driving and if it's really cold outside 10 mins before I arrive on site I whack it up
on full to really blast the heat in. Once you've parked up then just put your other heating on. This method has worked for us over the years. Enjoy your new van!!0 -
We don't have Alde so can't say anything about that, we have Truma Combi blow air heating. When we travel in the cold weather we have the cab heating on and as said above the habitation area is usually quite warm once we stop. Once the electrics are plugged
in we switch the heating on in the habitation side, if its really cold we can set it to gas and electric to boost the heat, you can do the same with Alde (i do know that bit) a fair few people carry small fan heaters to give it a warm through and as a back
up just incase. As to having gas on while travelling it depends on the system you have some are safe to do so. Depending on the van you are getting some also have a heat exchanger which I believes you can use the residual heat from the engine to boost the
heat in the habitation and vice versa.0 -
We don't have the Alde system, so don't know whether that's any different but we travel all year round, and when we arrive on site, the interior has never been that cold, due to having the cab heating on whilst travelling. Once parked up, when the heating
is switched on, it's warm in no time.One thing we've found is that heating (and fridge) is much more efficient on gas than it is on EHU.
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The Alde heating works really welll when on the move. You do need to make sure you have the correct gas tails fitted with the blow out device. This is a little green button on the gas pipe. If you do have an accident and a hose gets damaged then they switch
the gas off. The Swift we had would not work as you needed the control panel on for the heating to work and as far as Swift are concerned traveling with the 12v electrics on in the back is not the done thing..
However the Laika is much more user friendly and also better insulated with its double floor. It lets you have the ALDE heating on while on the move and also has a heat exchanger that users the heat from the engine as well. So we arrive toastie warm..
Using the heating like this also cuts down on the horrible COLD Draft you get between the seats.0 -
Thanks to everyone for the replies you've all been a great help. I am a member of a number of internet forums for my various hobbies and I must say this is one of the very best. Whenever I ask
a question within a matter of a few hours I get a number of replies which are all really helpful.Thank You
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surely if a Securemotion regulator and stainless steel gas pipe are fitted, then why cant a Truma Combi heater be left on in a moving motorhome ? and can a seperate 12 v supply be found that isnt switched off when the engine is started , to drive the boiler control electronics and fan ?
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A lot depends on which MH you have purchased. If it's Uk built then you need to ask your Dealer about wether it can be used while on the move. If not then you need to ask them if it can be modified to make it work. On the other hand if it's from over the
water then chances are it will run happily. It's still a question for your Dealer though.0 -
I'm with Ray and Q4. I have the Truma Securemotion regulator which I'm told meets all current UK and EU regulations for using gas heaters on the move. I've been heating my motorhome on the move since 2000 although in those days, the safety standards were
lower and my regulator only complied with German standards. I still switch off all gas appliances when required to do so such as at fuel stations and in tunnels. get your dealer to tell you and show you in the manuals where it says it can, or can't, work on
the road.0