Favourite Winter Meal!

Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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edited September 2013 in Food & Drink #1

As it is turning colder, and the nights are drawing in, our thoughts, like those of a few others on CT are obviously turning towards winter food.

Away in a lovely cottage, complete with Aga on Dartmoor at the moment, and have promised OH something special! (Down Rocky, this is the Cook talking!)

So here is our favourite artery clogging, can't move, must do a bike ride special! (PS, we are veggies)

Macaroni Bolognese.

Bolognese sauce made with mushrooms, onions, peas, peppers and tomatoes. (We cheat using a good quality tomato based sauce)

Macaroni sauce made with a proper quality blow your socks off cheddar, we like the roux made with granary flour and semi skimmed milk, and prefer flora to butter. season well with pepper, add some parmesan grated  for an extra kick. Into this mix some al
dente quality bronze pasta (whatever shape you like except spaghetti, and anything too large)

Put Bolognese on bottom, top with macaroni cheese pasta sauce, then for a delicious crunchy extra, top with extra cheddar and rolled oats.

Into a hot oven, until bottom sauce bubbling up thru top sauce and top crispy!

Then consume, call an ambulance and wait for the arteries to give up. This is not recommended as a regular meal, perhaps 2-3 times a year given the off the scale calories!Tongue Out

Any more spoil yourself favourites to share?