First time away?One regret
Anyone taking a pet away for the first time this Summer?
We have always holidayed with our dogs, both Summer and Winter, even in cottages, hotels and bed and breakfast places as well as vans.
I can still see the look of total wonder on our chocolate Labs face the first time he was taken to the beach. We didn't get him until he was 8 months old, and he had never been on a beach. He was a touch timid at first, but then he just went crazy, that
"cracker dog" scuttle, chasing his tail and thundering around. (Beach was carefully chosen, huge and only us on it) he was very wary of the waves at first but soon got over this and is now part fish!
One tiny regret of ours, was that we never managed to take our horse to the beach, he would have been a sight to behold!
Good luck and have a lovely time anyone sharing their holidays with a first time away pet!