Teeth cleaning
my cocker used to like the hide chews but now isn't interested. She has a denty stick but just devours them consequently she has plaque build up on her gnashers.
any advice as to how to deal with this, is it a vet job for a dental hygiene visit or some other cunning plan. ???
Some vets would recommend brushing teeth (with a doggy toothbrush and toothpaste) daily.
Our vet is a bit more realistic
He suggested using a product called Plaque Off, which is a powder that mixes into food, and also feeding
raw veg such as whole carrots.Rather than put ours through sedation or a GA to clean her teeth ... we followed his advice. It does work
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we feed dry and chicken and occasional pouch of good quality wet. Cant see how this placque off works but worth a go. Thanks
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Don't expect it to work instantly ... it takes about 8 weeks. A raw carrot every day, and the occasional raw apple (cored, as the pips are toxic to dogs) may help. Good luck
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We have a 7 year old Westy and feed him a raw diet with raw bones once a week and he has lovely clean teeth and has never had to have them cleaned.
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I discussed teeth cleaning with our vet some months ago and she said that it's the most often raised subject amongst dog owners and the most difficult to resolve. Her opinion was that cleaning with a brush of any sort was pretty ineffective. We have a
two and a half year old Cockapoo. She is fed dry food, has a whole carrot every day and occasionally has a crunchy chew called "Paddywack" (made from dried gristle, I believe). Her teeth are absolutely spotless with no sign of plaque whatsoever, so I must
be doing something right and I suspect the daily carrot is a big help.0