Best Bodywork Treatment

Rod4Four Forum Participant Posts: 3
edited December 2015 in Motorhomes #1

 New to motorhoming and looking for the best products to treat our Rapido (white). The MH suffers the usual road dirt etc., dirty rain and black streaks so would like to apply a product that helps to prevent this "muck" sticking, allows me more time between
cleaning efforts and at the same time protects the bodywork and any yellowing that may occur. I have a range of AutoGlym products here for the cars but unsure if this is suitable for fibreglass bodywork.

I know I will receive a number of recommendations and advice but with all your experience I hopefully will be able to distill and find the Best Bodywork Treatment. Your help great appreciated.



  • kenexton
    kenexton Forum Participant Posts: 306
    edited December 2015 #2

    Rod,I have no running water at the garage in which I keep our MH but I use Triplewax waterless wash and shine and four microfibre cloths.4  are needed to completely clean the van from filthy.A  one litre bottle is £4.65 at  Wilko and our 09 plate vehicle
    still looks like a new one,thanks to regular use of this inexpensive product.When on an extended tour I keep a bottle and the cloths in the gas locker to maintain the vehicle's paintwork in good fettle.I carry a telescopic pole with a window squeegee on it
    to reach above the cab and to clean the windscreen with; wrap the cloth round the blade to polish off the fluid-it cleans the glass as well  without smears.Hope this helps,Ken.

  • EJB986
    EJB986 Forum Participant Posts: 1,153
    edited December 2015 #3

    The problem to such a simple question:-

    Everybody uses a different make of polish...or whatever.

    Everybody thinks they have the best one.

    Like many I have used most of the products on the market over the years.

    The best one is the one I use now.....because it costs over £25 for a small can!!!!!!!!!!Laughing

    On second thoughts perhaps it's not the best because that one I used 20 years ago was very good....but they don't make it anymore!

    PS. Happy hunting!

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,186
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited December 2015 #4


    I use AutoGlym on my Bailey motorhome which has fibreglass sides and roof. Generally I use a caravan cleaning product which gets most of the muck off and leaves a shine but like you have found the black streaks a bit stubbon and that is what I use
    the polish for.


  • Skyerod67
    Skyerod67 Forum Participant Posts: 40
    edited December 2015 #5

    Auto gym products are the best for most motorhome surfaces and over the years I have tried them all.

    The products are not cheap but Halfords are probably the cheapest for them.

  • Skyerod67
    Skyerod67 Forum Participant Posts: 40
    edited December 2015 #6


    Predicted text issues!

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited December 2015 #7

    I don't have a MH but have found MER to be very good on cars caravans and yachts. 

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,518
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited December 2015 #8

    I use >Wash and Wax< to take the effort out of cleaning and polishing an 8m motorhome and once year usually in Autumn I give it a good polish with Autoglym. To bring up the plastic trim I use Autoglym's "Bumper Clean"


  • royandsharont
    royandsharont Forum Participant Posts: 735
    edited December 2015 #9

    Like others above I use Auto Glym and Showroom shine. I think the Auto Glym leaves a better and longer lasting finish and I try to always use that on the roof. The showroom shine is very easy to apply and take off. I use an ALDI wash & wax with Carnauba (check spelling) wax which gives it a very good routine protection but I cannot get it anymore, which is a shame. I have a large plastic/GRP? pod over the cab area which does not shine anything like the rest of the van which is aluminium with a GRP fancy moulded back. I hope to find a product that will sort the over cab pod out one day and I would love to know why just this area is like that. My friend uses MER on a very regular basis and his van always looked very good. I try to get mine done twice a year April & November time. Regards, Roy

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,518
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited December 2015 #10

    I found MER harder to use than Autoglym.


  • Rod4Four
    Rod4Four Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited December 2015 #11

    Thanks One & All,

    Auto Glym is obviously the route to take and importantly there is some in my garage but still time to pop a couple of other Glym suggestions on my Christmas list.

    Thanks Again

    Have a Great Festive Season.


  • Aspenshaw
    Aspenshaw Forum Participant Posts: 611
    edited December 2015 #12

    Peedee, I use the same Wash n Wax as you. It's not easy to get - I bought a few bottles at a show - but of all the washing products I've used, the Wash n Wax gives me the best results for price and environmental impact.

    Also I used Autoglym polish and then top off with the Extra Gloss Protection. The paint on my van is quite thin so I have eased back on the use of polish. Bought some Autuglym products at the NEC in October at discounted prices. Use the Autoglym Caravan
    Cleaner for the difficult marks.

    My van is only 6m so I do it twice a year with additional washes as necessary. I do it panel at a time over a few days, including roof, so it is less arduous!