Our Ten Commandments

1 Thou shalt not attack the person's character, but the argument.(ad hominem)
2 Thou shalt not misrepresent or exaggerate a person's argument to make them easier to attack. (Straw man's fallacy)
3 Thou shalt not use small numbers to represent the whole ( hasty generalisation)
4 Thou shalt not argue thy position by assuming that one of its premises is true (begging the question)
5 Thou shalt not claim that because something happened before, it must be the cause ( post hoc/false cause)
6 Thou shalt not reduce the argument down to two possibilities. ( false dichotomy)
7 Thou shalt not argue that, because of our ignorance, a claim must be true or false (ad ignoratum)
8 Thou shalt not lay the burden of proof upon he that is questioning the claim ( burden of proof reversal)
9 Thou shalt not assume "this" follows"that" when it he has no logical connection ( non sequitur)
10 Thou shalt not claim that because a premise is popular, therefore it must be true ( bandwagon fallacy)