Dorema Awnings

TheStens19 Club Member Posts: 67
edited May 2013 in Parts & Accessories #1

I am an experienced caravaner ( over 20 years and travelled all over Europe ) and have now got a caravan that in not over 10 years old. All our other vans were 80's or 90's models. We used an awning on them and all seemed very easy to pitch. Now at last
we have spent some money and the Lunar we bought ( not new but cost 5 times as much as the other vans put together) came with a Dorema awning. The van is 4metres 70 long and the awning is a full one with steel poles which seem very heavy. We have yet to put
it up as we fear we will damage the van with the poles. Is there a trick to connecting the poles and frame to the van with this type of awning?

I know that sounds a bit wimpy but having spent what we consider to be a large amount of money on the van we don't want todamage it.