A large slice of Humble Pie please!!!!!

nick2611 Forum Participant Posts: 71
edited August 2013 in Caravan & Motorhome Chat #1

A few weeks ago I contributed to a discussion on CT about on site safety.  I aired a view that kids should be given some freedom from the constraints of overly beauracratic site rules and regs.  Well I need to publish something resembling an editors apology as I appear to have been wrong.  We recently spent an overnight stop at Kendal CC site en route to Scotland.  Despite drumming it into our 7 year old boy to stay on the flat bit of road immediately in front of our caravan (and most definitley to stay away from the small hill 25 yards away), he promptly ignored said instruction, made his way to the top of said small hill, and off he went.... well following a speed wobble similar to something you might see at the Isle of Man TT, he took a heavy tumble, his glasses opening a 1.5 inch gash across his temple.  A 999 call and a 17 mile dash in an ambulance saw us arrive at Lancaster infirmary, where copious amounts of surgical glue were used to fashion a repair job of the gash.  Anyway, all of this has forced me to rethink my position, and accept that I was in fact wrong in my previous statements.  Safety first people..