Repairing a curved concertina blind

Hello everyone, hope theres someone out there who can help
We got a new baily pursuit just 2 years ago being total newbys to touring. The concertina blind covering the curved sun roof light at the front wodnt work and I noticed the white cord had frayed and broken. Yorkshire caravans, from where we bought it 2
years ago quoted us 200 pound for a new one fitted to which we agreed as we have no technical knowledge (it was out of warranty).
Could we have repaired this ourselves?
I have watched the appropriate utubes and didnt get alot of help
Thanks alot
Sue Clarke
I know it's not the same, but we've just replaced our riooflights with miniHekis. They come in two sections, the part with the 'glass' and a second part with the blind(s) mechanisms.. I noticed that part of the blind mechanism is simply a strong white string, like you can buy in shops which sell curtain accessories, in a channel down each side.. I would have thought it inevitable that on a curve this would catch somewhere and it wouldn't be long before it frayed and broke. We actually talked about the fact that this might happen on 'those curved front windows'.
The blind section of our Hekis comes out with just a 'pull', gently all around the frame. We had to do this because we'd put the blinds different ways round and I wanted them both to work in the same direction. The cord is easily accessed once you have the blind assembly in your hand. The cord itself would be simple to replace, and being DIYers we would have had a go before taking it back to the dealer.
I can't see any Youtube videos, so I don't know what you've looked at but it's not anything like as difficult as retensioning the sprung blinds, which we've also done a few times!
I've found the part on Bailey's website, and the replacement blind is £154.98 - so if they have replaced the whole blind assembly then it's not a bad price. They don't seem to be avilable on ebay or from other suppliers. If you could have bought the part from Bailey themselves, then it's an easy job to replace the blind assembly.