Club AGM's

I attended my first AGM in over a span of 30 years of being a member of the Club, and was most disappointed that none of the burning issues that seemed to be raised on this forum such as Bikes, Children, Cost of sites, Bookings, etc, etc were even mentioned.
My first impression was of an old fashioned Rotary Club meeting with loads of chains being worn and being dominated by members who are into rallying and local events with more discussion taking place over Social evenings and their cost and rally programmes
plus their claim that the Club charges them too much for the use of its sites in the Winter for rallies. In my opinion I thought the event being very formal could put the everday member off attending, and I now wonder if the Club's management committees are
solely made up of Club members who are the rank and file of the local rally groups and not the general members who regularly use the Club sites and CL's.