Swift Challenger Sport 524SR 2012
for all owners of 2012 Swift Challenger SE or Challenger Sport caravans who have water ingress in the bottom edge of their gas locker box. Some owners like myself have had it resolved completely but I have spoken to many owners who didn't know the following
option was available to them. Depending on your dealer, as some are more helpful than others, it was possible to get a 2014 model gas locker lid ordered via your dealer from Swift.The difference in this new new lid is that Swift saw the light and repositioned
the two locks. They are now situated just to the left and right of centre instead of the original positions which were almost to the extreme left and right edges of the lid. When in this position there was insufficient pressure brought to bear on the centre
area of the rubber seal which meant there was no seal so water spray entered the locker.. I know from experience that Swift originally offered customers to have the dealer fit a third lock to draw the middle inwards but when owners realised the lock was going
to be positioned off centre due to the lack of space available, we refused this and it eventually ended up with a 2014 lid being supplied and fitted under warranty and the result is no more problems...I know for a fact some dealers didn't come clean with owners
and so probably to this day didn't get a proper fix. I was lucky that my supplying dealer Halley Caravans of BURNHOUSE ,Ayrshire did what dealers should do and that it solve the customers problem by being interested in helping and not palming them off with
untruths.. G.Nixon.