Renault Master 2.5 - air in fuel line issues

Our 2006 Knaus motorhome is based on a Renault Master 2.5 ltr diesel engine.
We have a re-occuring problem with an apparent air leak in the fuel line but we do not appear to be able to identify the cause.
On cold start up, after being left a few days, the engine will run for about 5 seconds and then stall. There is a manual fuel priming “bladder” within the engine bulkhead and the fuel
lines leaving to & from it are clear so it is very evident that there is air within the pipes. By squeezing the bladder [which is normally empty by now], fuel is introduced to the bladder and is soon “firm” and thus the line is now “primed”..
On restarting the engine all is well and it continues to run smoothly.
There are no starting issues if the engine is still warm.
It thus seems that fuel is draining back into the fuel tank after standing for a day or two and perhaps drawing air in from the fuel filter. Is that a possibility?
My local garage has investigated the issue, checked the sender unit on the fuel tank, traced all the fuel lines but have been stumped by this problem. They are saying that if the van
was in daily use, the issue would probably not be noticed.
At the moment, every time I go to start the van, I have my “heart in my mouth” wondering if it is going to start properly. I do “prime” the fuel line using the bladder beforehand but
that isn’t always 100% successful.
Has anyone else come across this engine malady before?