Power supply problem - Knuas Sun Ti 650ME

I hope that this isn’t another Calira issue - as I had a new one two years ago!!
I have had the van hooked up to our outdoor RCD’d electric supply for a couple of weeks and then noticed that the trip on the external RCD has activated and tripped the supply. Once I reset it, it would “Hold” for a while and then trip again.
At first I thought that it could be damp/water in the connection from the three pins socket short adaptor to the main 25m cable due to the heavy rain that we have had over the past few days. It is fairly exposed to the elements I must admit. I also have
a 10m cable so used that with a new 3 pin adaptor but now there is no supply to the van at all.
I have checked the vans trips & they are fine. Is there a “re-set” button on the Calibra charger, because if there is, I can’t see it!!
Electrics are not my strong point, so any advice would be appreciated.
Phil Robinson
aka PilgrimPhil