Caravan Club Survey

I have had an e-mail from the club asking me to fill in a short survey. I am always happy to do this as it is a way of ensuring that the club knows its members' views. This one was about holidaying with families.
Have I ever toured with children in my party? No
Do I have children etc who I would take touring in the future? No (no grandchildren yet)
If yes, would you be interested in the following:...three choices.
As my answer was no, I submitted my entry, but it would not accept it unless I answered the (irrevelant to me) three extra questions. So I, as a non child holidaymaker, have been forced to make a decision for you who have children. Apologies if I have answered incorrectly.
Then after submitting I get a message saying thankyou and another identical form to complete.
CC again has the right idea but the wrong execution.