Terrible Tap Tighteners

There are people going round on Caravan Club Sites disrupting an equitable arrangement I have with my girl-friend!
She can have as many hot showers in the ‘van as she wants, wash whatever she likes, and at any time at all. In return she is responsible for collecting the fresh water and disposing of the grey water. This works very well in a self-regulating cycle.
However, there are terrible tap tighteners at work. They ensure that the water taps are turned a good ¾ turn beyond where the water stops. There are times even I can’t turn them on again, and have to resort to my trusty 24” adjustable wrench to get the waters
flowing again. How the elderly and infirm mange I don’t know – well, I do actually. They wait until they see someone else get the tap running then race over before it is turned off!
Any suggestions as to what these folk are trying to achieve, other than demonstrating their gorilla-like tendencies?