Poor plumbing in Bailey Pageant S6 Bordeaux

KeithParks Forum Participant Posts: 2
edited July 2015 in Caravans #1

Hi All,

Does anyone else with a Bailey have a problem with the cold water running hot before it runs cold ( or lukrearm!).

Looking at the plumbing the cold water feed runs past the inlet to the Truma Ultrastore before running into the cold water distribution. There is no (Non Return Valve) anywhere to prevent the flow of hot water from the inlet being pulled int the cold supply. 

There's no obvious place where I could insert a NRV as it would need to be between the pump/ surge damper and drain cock, on the feed to the Ultrastore, but the same feed runs into the internal plumbing. 

All I can think of doing is to completely re plumb this area, fit a Y or T piece after the surge damper, take one outlet via a NRV to the drain cock and then to the Ultrastore input and the other direct into the internal cold plumbing. 

Does les anyone else have any experience/thoughts on this?

it seems like a bad mistake in the Bailey design to be able draw water from the boiler into the cold/drinking water supply. 



PS I can send pictures of the layout to anyone who is interested. ( or wants a laugh!)