On-board water tank/drinking water
Could other members please let me know if they use their on-board water tank for drinking water? Having grown up with caravanning parents moving from and external pumped supply to an on board tank, where we always drank the water it never crossed my mind
on purchase of a vw conversion camper that we wouldn't be using it for drinking water. However we have had the van for a couple of seasons and seem to have somehow suffered really bad contamination of the system. On trying to seek advise on how it could be
cleaned out not only has one motorhome dealer said they would never drink water from the on board system the actual manufacturer has come back to us saying the same (their manual doesn't suggest we shouldn't be using it for drinking!). What is the experienc
of other members? I'm totally baffled that suddenly, in my mid forties and having been around caravans all my life that somehow the water I've always been drinking may not be fit to drink!