A warm welcome to Cumbria.

The Caravan Club is coming to the Cumbria area to answer questions about your Club and general caravanning interests.
The ‘Question Time event’ will take place at the Newton Rigg College, Penrith, on Saturday the 12th
April starting at 2.00pm and will give all Club members residing in the Northern Region the opportunity to ask questions of a panel that will represent The Caravan Club, caravan dealers, service, and road safety. Entry is free and refreshments will be served
after the event.
Anyone wishing to stay for the weekend can site their caravans on hard standing at the collage with toilet and shower facilities. There will be entertainment on
the Saturday night. Pitches are available from Friday the 11th April through to Thursday the 17th
Further details for the Event and the caravan site can be found on the Caravan Club’s Northern Region web site
www.northernregion.co.uk or
contact the Northern Region Chairman on 01484 682651.