Wi-Fi - Hunters Moon - August 2014

/rant on
Just back after a ten day break at Hunters Moon (2nd time of going)
First off, the site is excellent, the longtime serving but now outgoing/retiring wardens Steve/Cheryl were their usual excellent selves and we'll be sad to see them go, an absolute credit to the CC they are.
Enjoyed the stay save for one thing, will place a review re the stay,
However, the Wi-Fi....last time we visited earlier in the year the Wi-Fi was utter rubbish but as it was due to be upgraded we sort of took it on the chin and put up with it.
The upgrade has now supposedley taken place...and I can report...it is still absolute rubbish.
We were on pitch 79, just up from the office , about 40yds away from the mast. We struggled to actually connect and we had several devices to do so with, when we did manage to connect the signal was poor and the speed less that 0.3mb yes thats right,
less that 0.3mb.
Often when connected the signal would just vanish altogether and because of the ridiculous way you have to connect we had on several occasions leave the van to find a signal just so we could disconnect so another in the family coud log on.
We were not alone with the connection issues, many others we spoke to on the site were experiencing the same issues, many had simply given up.
I used to think that the £25 annual subscription to the Wi-Fi was good value, but that has since been extinguished. here at home we pay £5pm for unlimited broadband and we can all connect, our home router allows us to connect to it up to 30m from it, no
problem and sometimes there are 4 or 5 devices on our connection at any one time. All for just £60 annually where as AirAngel at £25 for perhaps a few weeks of the year connected (if you can connect) and with only one device at a time connected...well it's
actually very bad value for money.
I feel sure some will have had no problems at Hunters Moon with the Wi-Fi but they would be in the minority. I have taken snapshots of the connection speed and will upload them at some point in the next day or so.
Suffice to say, the Caravan Club and it's sites offer a fantastic service, excellent facilities, prime pitches, good locationsand an annual membership with all that comes with it, for our family it all just works...
The same cannot be said for the onsite AirAngel Wi-fI and I would have thought that for all the professionalism the CC gives and the second to none service it offers that a failure to provide and to continually fail at providing a service would result in
the CC club doing something about it.
Simply put, the WiFi upgrade at Hunters Moon has not worked and as a subscriber to the service I'll be request ing Air Angel refund the fee given that it's quite obviously a service that is not fit for purpose.
/rant off