Water heater

So, in my new to caravanning wisdom, I decided to drain the water heater tank after a long weekend in brighton. All went well water out as per expected, i managed to break the drain plug as it was very brital and had fitted a new one all well and good.
We went away, for a one nighted with some friends and I couldnt work out how to fill the water heater, I assumed when i switched the water pump on that it would just fill up... then I remembered the air has to go somewhere and opend the hot tap... still
nothing the pump pulses something like twice a second but nothing seems to come out.
So the question is, am I doing this right? Am I leaving the tap open long enough? (5 min?) or have I busted somthing...
The cold tap works fine in both sinks as does the loo (feeds off the aqua roll), its a bailey gt 510 1997.
Cheers peeps