Possible scam attempt in the UK

JillwithaJay Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 2,487
500 Likes 1000 Comments
edited August 2014 in Caravan & Motorhome Chat #1

New member to Club Together, tjrtenby, has posted the following information for our members' attention but, because it's a single post within an existing thread in the Help and Feedback Section, I can't transfer it but have copied and pasted the content.

Thanks to tjrtenby for the warning.

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I feel I should make members aware of an incident this week on the southbound M5 near the Almondsbury interchange when I was towing my caravan on my own and was subject to what I believe was an attempted criminal interception. 

A Ford Transit van overtook me with I believe two male occupants, slowed down in front of me and put on his hazard warning lights, gesticulating that there was a problem with either my car or caravan. He pulled on to the hard sholder still gesticulating for me to pull over. When I ignored him he then rejoined the carriageway, overtook me again and repeated the procedure several times. I have dash camera footage of the complete incident showing the van with its registration number and have contacted Avon and Somerset Police who are investigating. 

This may have been a UK instance of what I believe is a common practice in particularly Spain and I think members should be made aware that it might have spread to the UK.