RSPB protection site - caravan wanted

We've been visiting the RSPB site, where local volunteers are protecting Ospreys at Glasyn, near Porthmadog in North Wales, for almost every year that they've nested there. The site has recently been flooded, and though the main building hasn't suffered, the caravan nearer to the nest site has been flooded with water, and is no longer fit for use. They are appealing for a replacement caravan.
Here's the text taken from their Facebook page:
We are appealing for a replacement caravan for use by our protection volunteers. As you can see in the photo the door has to be on the left and the window at the rear. This is the window from where we can see the nest tree. If anyone has a touring caravan that they no longer use and might consider donating to Glaslyn Wildlife we would be most grateful. The size of the existing caravan is approx 14ft x 6 ft. Please contact if you can help. Many thanks.
If anyone knows someone with a caravan that they might be willing to donate, can you pass on this message.