Camera insurance

TomHenry Forum Participant Posts: 10
edited March 2016 in Caravan & Motorhome Chat #1

Am looking for guidance about insuring photographic stuff whilst in motorhome having just discovered that my home contents polocy only covers me to £1000 for theft from a vehicle.  Do I need specifica "camera" insurance policy / is there a MH policy that
covers?  Any other ideas


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,139
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited March 2016 #2

    Most home insurances allow you to insure high value items separately, at an increased premium, of course!!! Have you contacted them to see if this is the case? I am sure there must be specialist insurance for all manner of things but if you can add it to your home insurance it is likely to be cheaper. We are in the process of buying electric bikes which won't be covered under the standard policy so will need an add on.


  • JD6620
    JD6620 Forum Participant Posts: 202
    edited March 2016 #3

    I am in the same situation.  Have briefly looked at and not had the time to look into it in depth as yet but those two companies seem to offer what I'm looking for.

  • Whittakerr
    Whittakerr Club Member Posts: 3,486
    1000 Comments Photogenic
    edited March 2016 #4

    I've got my camera kit insured under my household policy with it named as high value items and also taken outside the house.
    When I speak to the insurers at renewal time I can never get a definitive answer if they consider the whole kit (camera body, separate lenses, flash guns, filters etc.) as one item or separate items. This would make a considerable difference in the value and description as I've got 2 lenses that would cost over £1000 each to replace plus other lenses as well as 2 camera bodies. I always send a list with each item and its value to them, but as yet I'm in the fortunate position of never having to have made a claim. I'm sure it wouldn't be a simple proses if I did have to claim.

    ive looked at dedicated camera insurance but find it very expensive.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,671
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited March 2016 #5

    we pay an extra fee that covers all my gear anywhere, anytime

  • TomHenry
    TomHenry Forum Participant Posts: 10
    edited March 2016 #6

    Thanks for the responses, my insurers SAGA would not go beyond the £1000 from a vehicle, but have now tracked down a couple of specialist insurers with quotes of £85 & £95  per year for £3000 cover.  Looks like the best option and also, means a claim would
    not affect the miniscule no-claims discount on my Home policy.

  • Whittakerr
    Whittakerr Club Member Posts: 3,486
    1000 Comments Photogenic
    edited March 2016 #7

    Thanks for the responses, my insurers SAGA would not go beyond the £1000 from a vehicle, but have now tracked down a couple of specialist insurers with quotes of £85 & £95  per year for £3000 cover.  Looks like the best option and also, means a claim would
    not affect the miniscule no-claims discount on my Home policy.

    glad to hear you have got sorted. Can I ask where you got your two quotes from. I'd be interested at those prices.

  • TomHenry
    TomHenry Forum Participant Posts: 10
    edited March 2016 #8

    The £97 was Photoguard, Aaduki was £84, BUT, think am going with Kamkit, which was £84 but for £3400  ............. when I totted up, had more bits and pieces that my original guess of £3000. Gets expensive this photo stuff, almost on a par with having a
    motorhome Wink

  • Whittakerr
    Whittakerr Club Member Posts: 3,486
    1000 Comments Photogenic
    edited March 2016 #9

    Thanks for that TomHenry. I'll check them out when my policy is due for renewal

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,753
    500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited March 2016 #10

    Unless you are a porofessional you should be able to list the gear and insure it on the household policy under all risks far cheaper than taking out a new policy. That should get you round the limit in the motorhome.

    If you are looking at a separate policy then I do know AADUKI service is excellent.