The Navy Lark!

Who remembers that BBC Radio's Sunday lunchtime prog "The Navy Lark". Featuring HMS Troutbridge, and Captain Povey, - His wife Ramona, Able Seaman Goldstein, Petty Officer Pertwee and the Number one Murray??. And Lieutenant Leslie Phillips. Who was the Welsh Seaman?
Sadly my memory has become clouded with age, but even the thought of it brings on the chuckles!
Comments like "Staarbord Loukout Chatting, thought youd like to know....."
Who can help remembering?
And also "Round the Horne" which appealed to my sense of humour as a teenager. BBC and the PC Brigade wouldn't allow that any more!!
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Just listened to an episode of Round the Horne . Brilliant comedy full of innuendo and double meanings. Skillful dialogue, something in short supply nowadays.
Might not suit the avid PC brigade of whom there are a few on here, so I wont post a link.
Our friend Mr Google can show the way.
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Oneput, Thanks, and wasn't Leslie Phillips referred to as the Navigating Officer? Ronnie Barker was classic as AB fatso Johnson, long before he became famous as part of the two Ronnies. At one stage my family nickname was "Povey" probably because of my habit of referreing to the DCOS as Ramona.
As has already been said The Navy Lark and Round the Horne were classics in their day, and for me epitomised the sorely missed BBC Radio's "Light Programme".
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Aye Aye Captain, those were the days, they don't make them like that anymore
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I seem to remember that Round the Horne was broadcast across lunchtime on a Friday and our 6th Form Common Room was packed out with everyone crowded around a little transistor radio. If you hadn't listened, you were out of the jokes for the rest of the
week!0 -
BBC Radio 4, Channel 708 on Freeview !!
12.10 ( Right Now !!) 16/03/2016
Oooer, I should have used my new bifocals, and not my old reading specs
-- I would then have seen the two dots after Radio 4 ! The full programme title is, of course B.B.C.
Radio 4 EXTRA altho it is on freeview ch 7080 -
All the golden oldie radio comedies are on a loop on Radio 4 Extra! I woke up to The Navy Lark this morning!
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Anyone remember 'Life with the Lyons'?