Swindon Steam railway Museum

tigerfish Forum Participant Posts: 1,362
edited November 2012 in Your Hobbies #1

A couple of days ago I made a visit to the Swindon steam railway museum, and I have to say that I was really impressed!  I guess that part of that impression was the way that they had laid it all out.  The locomotives and trucks and carriages were all accessible,
you could climb up into the cab etc. In one case there was just the cab but all controls were marked etc. A comentary invited you to move certain levers & push others etc, and as you did so, - the scenary outside started to move. Yes you were really driving
it!  The station exhibits were laid out to match the turn of the century in one case, and wartime in another. Statues were very lifelike and I almost found myself talking to one porter!  For me one of the most impressive was being able to walk along under
an engine and view all the workings from an inspection pit.  This is how more museums need to be. It was engaging and informative. strongly recommended.  One warning though DO NOT allow your children or grandchildren any where near the gift shop.  You will
never get out, or if you do you will need a very good mortgage to pay for all the acquisitions.