Music centres?

Does anyone know anything about Quality music Centres?
I have a very good sound system consisting of 5 separate "Technics" units. All working perfectly and still in current use. Technics were the upmarket branch of Panasonic.
Had them for probably 20 years, and they cost £700 back then.
Trouble is that my wife wants to change around our living room and wants a more fashionable single DAB unit!
I cannot bring myself to just dump such a beautiful sounding system. Freinds have suggested that there might well be people who collect/prefer a separate system. Any advice appreciated.
There is a very healthy market for quality retro hi-fi.
However I suspect all but the very highest-end Technics stuff will have pretty limited appeal.
Give eBay a try, you never know.With regard to the new wife pleasing single DAB unit, don’t worry about sound quality.
Look no further than the new Denon DM40 DAB.
(Black or Silver £200 excluding speakers)
Denon have dominated the HiFi Awards for years with this unit and it’s predecessors, in fact if you can get hold of the outgoing DM39 at a good discount, even better.Try it with your existing speakers.
Alternatively match it to a pair of DALI Zensor 1’s and it will blow your socks off. Richer Sounds do them as a package for £379 (make sure they throw in some decent speaker cable)
Don’t let anyone sell you alternative cheaper speakers unless YOU can compare them with the DALI’s.
Best of luck.
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I also used too but seperates back in the seventies.My main amp was Rotel aswell as the deck which i still have in the attic. A Sony cassette deck.Goodmans Minister SL speakers and i even have a Grundid reel to reel tape recorber.My first good really good
music centre was the Pye Black Box which i had in the 60,s it was mounted on a center pedestal stand wifh a smoked glass lid and looked really smart.I also constructed a set of large speaker cabinets and installed bass units,high frequency speakers and crossover
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This is the place that took my 70's seperates off me.
I couldn't and still can't let go of my valve wireless and amp though
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My system consists of a Arcam a65 used as a pre amp
2x Arcam 8 p power ams running as mono block`s
Creed evo cd
Music Fideliy phono stage
Sl1210 custom built turntabe plus a Rega P2 that also had massive amount of upgrades
Kef Q35 speakers
All cables custom built
dab radio
Music fidelity headphone amp
Denon tapedeck
about 1000 lps all in mint condition 500 cds
dedicated ring main supply
so as you can see by the list not the best in the world but suits me