Please Give us a PM facility!
Ro! I have a great deal of faith in this Forum and despite the occasional silly spat and misplaced joke it is mainly doing a pretty good job in keeping members in touch.
But in my "Umble Opinion" it could be so much better if it had a "Personal Message" facility.
For example, I would very much like to get in contact with the Admiral, but after the recent experiences of others am loath to print my E mail on these public pages. The best I can do is to rudely break into another thread with an unconnected message or do it this way. Admiral; - Ro, Jill, Merve & Moulseley have my E mail, Could you contact one of them & use it to contact me?
It would be so much easier with a PM and I would suggest that caravanners who by their very nature get out & visit new areas, need it more than the readers of many other forums that do use PM's