Want a good Read?
I'm coming under huge pressure from the DCOS to reduce the numbers of books that I possess and I guess that she has a point.
I do have hundreds, both fiction and none fiction and I certainly do not intend to reduce my none fiction library.
But I have to accept that I'm getting old and wrinkly and if I dont get rid of some of my paper back fiction novels then one day someone going through my stuff will just take them to the tip anyway!
I have many Douglas Reeman, Alexander Kent, Bernard Cornwell Sharps novels and most of the early Dale Brown books. Dale Brown was an Ex USAF B52 Captain who used to write some fantastically proffetic aviation novels. Stories based on the break up of the
Soviet Union, Long before it happened, Nuclear war and other friction between North & South Korea. Counter Drug insurgency using the V22 Osprey long before the machine becaome a reality and the B1 bomber. Finally the High Jacking and seizing of airliners
to crash on US Cities long before 9/11 happened.
If I have any book you need I will send it on.