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  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
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    edited April 2016 #32

    It ain't broke so why try to fix it?

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited April 2016 #33


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited April 2016 #34

    I am retired and to be honest I think the advertisers might just be spot on with their target market.  Let's not fool ourselves. There are an extraordinary amount of retirees in the CC.  Proportionally many more than in the C&CC. 

    Just be glad that you are not in need of the stair lifts, the walking aids, hearing aids Etc which make up a large proportion of adverts in the mag, but remember that there could be loads of CC members for whom the adverts are required. 

    If and when I reach the stage of requiring those articles being advertised I will appreciate the Adverts. 


    I'm not retired, but need hearing aids. However, the NHS hearing aids and attendant service are far better than any bought hearing aids. With the NHS ones you get free batteries, tube changes, filter changes and re-tuning when required. All for 'free', as
    you have contributed through NI contributions during your working life.

    The people who buy privately are either vain and don't want the tubes to be visible; or have too much monet and can afford to buy something they don't have to.

    I did chuckle, as did my wife, when the leaflet dropped out of the CC magazine earlier today.

    ...I have private purchased hearing aids and get all the same benifits and more including a far superior test  than the nhs one,several freinds of ours are thinking of going "private" after going to my audioligist for a hearing test and none of us are "rich"

  • MJ730
    MJ730 Forum Participant Posts: 184
    edited April 2016 #35

    I am retired and to be honest I think the advertisers might just be spot on with their target market.  Let's not fool ourselves. There are an extraordinary amount of retirees in the CC.  Proportionally many more than in the C&CC. 

    Just be glad that you are not in need of the stair lifts, the walking aids, hearing aids Etc which make up a large proportion of adverts in the mag, but remember that there could be loads of CC members for whom the adverts are required. 

    If and when I reach the stage of requiring those articles being advertised I will appreciate the Adverts. 


    I'm not retired, but need hearing aids. However, the NHS hearing aids and attendant service are far better than any bought hearing aids. With the NHS ones you get free batteries, tube changes, filter changes and re-tuning when required. All for 'free', as
    you have contributed through NI contributions during your working life.

    The people who buy privately are either vain and don't want the tubes to be visible; or have too much monet and can afford to buy something they don't have to.

    I did chuckle, as did my wife, when the leaflet dropped out of the CC magazine earlier today.

    ...I have private purchased hearing aids and get all the same benifits and more including a far superior test  than the nhs one,several freinds of ours are thinking of going "private" after going to my audioligist for a hearing test and none of us are "rich"

    Write your comments here...+1 on that with mine it's twice yearly checkup plus clean and retube  as needed.


  • tadhatter
    tadhatter Forum Participant Posts: 47
    edited April 2016 #36

    I read it as Tadhatter wanting a pitch fee to include everyone in the party but I may have been wrong

    OK sorry, yes I think you're right, no per person is the fairest way.

    I agree that paying per person is the fairest way but my objection is paying per person and then paying another fee for the pitch. Obvisouly it depends on the specific prices but generally speaking, from being an almost exclusive CL user, I've noticed that
    it tends to be an excuse to charge considerably, and I would argue a disproportiantely, higher amount. 

    Similarly sites that meter electricity and pay by card is, on the one hand fairer, but it's a bit of a faff but it's better than sites that charge a flat £3 or £4 per night extra simply for electrics! I know this is going off the topic but we recently went
    on a site that metered electric and we worked out that we spent just over £10 (there was money left in credit on the meter) on electrics for a 7 night stay! 

  • IamtheGaitor
    IamtheGaitor Forum Participant Posts: 529
    edited May 2016 #37

    Per person is definitely fairer as more people=more water,rubbish etc.  Some people already take the proverbial by cramming many onto one pitch sleeping in awning multiple annexes etc and causing hassle for those around them.  Paying per pitch would make
    this type of antisocial behaviour more prevalent.  

  • Ewescool
    Ewescool Forum Participant Posts: 20
    edited May 2016 #38

    Per person is definitely fairer as more people=more water,rubbish etc.  Some people already take the proverbial by cramming many onto one pitch sleeping in awning multiple annexes etc and causing hassle for those around them.  Paying per pitch would make
    this type of antisocial behaviour more prevalent.  

    Don't forget the pup tents!

  • IamtheGaitor
    IamtheGaitor Forum Participant Posts: 529
    edited May 2016 #39

    Per person is definitely fairer as more people=more water,rubbish etc.  Some people already take the proverbial by cramming many onto one pitch sleeping in awning multiple annexes etc and causing hassle for those around them.  Paying per pitch would make this type of antisocial behaviour more prevalent.  

    Don't forget the pup tents!

    I dont mind pup tents for older children/teens so they can have their own space, or used for storing bikes etc and if they are paying per person at least they are paid for.

    The idea of a big car full of 7 adults, using multiple annexes to an awning to provide extra sleeping, and paying the same for a pitch as say a couple on their own is just silly.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,694
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    edited May 2016 #40

    I read it as Tadhatter wanting a pitch fee to include everyone in the party but I may have been wrong

    OK sorry, yes I think you're right, no per person is the fairest way.

    I agree that paying per person is the fairest way but my objection is paying per person and then paying another fee for the pitch. Obvisouly it depends on the specific prices but generally speaking, from being an almost exclusive CL user, I've noticed that
    it tends to be an excuse to charge considerably, and I would argue a disproportiantely, higher amount. 

    Similarly sites that meter electricity and pay by card is, on the one hand fairer, but it's a bit of a faff but it's better than sites that charge a flat £3 or £4 per night extra simply for electrics! I know this is going off the topic but we recently went
    on a site that metered electric and we worked out that we spent just over £10 (there was money left in credit on the meter) on electrics for a 7 night stay! 

    I think if you didn't pay a pitch fee the per person fee would rise to cover the same cost?

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited May 2016 #41

    I think the best idea is status quo at present.


    fully agree, can't see any disadvantages at all

    So, in your previous post you thought that paying per person was the way to go, and two posts later you think that retaining pitch fees is the way to go?

    Glad to see you are so positive in your views......

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited May 2016 #42

    Should be a fee per person....whatever their age. Get rid of the pitch fee.

    See Corners......that's how to take a positive stance.......

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,694
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    edited May 2016 #43

    Should be a fee per person....whatever their age. Get rid of the pitch fee.

    See Corners......that's how to take a positive stance.......

    but asking to pay full price for children would lead to higher fees and really lead to sites closing.

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited May 2016 #44

    Should be a fee per person....whatever their age. Get rid of the pitch fee.

    See Corners......that's how to take a positive stance.......

    but asking to pay full price for children would lead to higher fees and really lead to sites closing.

    No it wouldn't lead to site closures......because you say that Club sites are really busy and over-subscribed during school holidays.....

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,694
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited May 2016 #45

    I think the best idea is status quo at present.


    fully agree, can't see any disadvantages at all

    So, in your previous post you thought that paying per person was the way to go, and two posts later you think that retaining pitch fees is the way to go?

    Glad to see you are so positive in your views......

    I think you are mistaken, or haven't read my posts at all. I said the pr person was fair, I did not mention getting rid of the pitch fee, or if it did the per person fee would rise.


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,694
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    edited May 2016 #46

    Should be a fee per person....whatever their age. Get rid of the pitch fee.

    See Corners......that's how to take a positive stance.......

    but asking to pay full price for children would lead to higher fees and really lead to sites closing.

    No it wouldn't lead to site closures......because you say that Club sites are really busy and over-subscribed during school holidays.....

    OK business studies class 101.

    There is not one area of tourism or travel or leisure that charges full price for children. Kids eat free, kids for a pound, free child places on holidays. You could say that children eat less so are charged less. Yet even when children take up a full adult
    quota or seat they pay less. Children pay reduced prices at the cimema, football matches, trains, airplanes... (no planes are fueled for a trip by number of seats taken not adults or children)

    Why is this Ian? is it because these companies think that children are expensive to bring up and they feel sorry for parents? No - they do it for money. Children do not usually go to these places/travel by themselves, they go with their parents. Parents
    spend the money at these places/companies and parents go there because the children pay less. You are quite correct in saying 

    that Club sites are really busy and over-subscribed during school holidays...

    of course they are, anyone who goes on club sites or any site/holiday can see that. In some places the whole site/place is full of families during school holidays. You have said so yourself at NT places

    Now just think if the club charged full price for these children, what would happen? the parents would go to other sites that charge half price or less, all of a sudden the club sites that are full during the holidays (12 weeks) would be empty, the club
    would lose all that income, what would they club have to do? raise it's prices to make up the shortfall, or close some sites down for real.

    (thanks to Mrs H, a business studies teacher whose class I observed on this very subject)


  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited May 2016 #47

    I disagree......

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,777
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    edited May 2016 #48

    Children are the future. Everything that could be done to encourage them should be. The idea of charging children full price would discourage families and put the whole future of the club at risk.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,694
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited May 2016 #49

    Children are the future. Everything that could be done to encourage them should be. The idea of charging children full price would discourage families and put the whole future of the club at risk.


  • thebroons
    thebroons Forum Participant Posts: 165
    edited May 2016 #50

    Should be a fee per person....whatever their age. Get rid of the pitch fee.

    See Corners......that's how to take a positive stance.......

    but asking to pay full price for children would lead to higher fees and really lead to sites closing.

    No it wouldn't lead to site closures......because you say that Club sites are really busy and over-subscribed during school holidays.....

    OK business studies class 101.

    There is not one area of tourism or travel or leisure that charges full price for children. Kids eat free, kids for a pound, free child places on holidays. You could say that children eat less so are charged less. Yet even when children take up a full adult
    quota or seat they pay less. Children pay reduced prices at the cimema, football matches, trains, airplanes... (no planes are fueled for a trip by number of seats taken not adults or children)

    Why is this Ian? is it because these companies think that children are expensive to bring up and they feel sorry for parents? No - they do it for money. Children do not usually go to these places/travel by themselves, they go with their parents. Parents
    spend the money at these places/companies and parents go there because the children pay less. You are quite correct in saying 

    that Club sites are really busy and over-subscribed during school holidays...

    of course they are, anyone who goes on club sites or any site/holiday can see that. In some places the whole site/place is full of families during school holidays. You have said so yourself at NT places

    Now just think if the club charged full price for these children, what would happen? the parents would go to other sites that charge half price or less, all of a sudden the club sites that are full during the holidays (12 weeks) would be empty, the club
    would lose all that income, what would they club have to do? raise it's prices to make up the shortfall, or close some sites down for real.

    (thanks to Mrs H, a business studies teacher whose class I observed on this very subject)


    So these oversubscribed sites would suddenly become empty during holiday periods.....what a bizarre statement. 

    Mrs.H should maybe consider a career change if this is the information she provided. 

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited May 2016 #51

    Quite how we got onto pitch fees I'm not sure, although it's obviously given an opportunity for "the usual suspects" (hang on, I bet they'll object to being called that, so I withdraw it!) to slag off the club. Personally, as we use club sites, when we do,
    as a couple, I'm quite happy with the current system. I can see an argument for, say, having a basic pitch plus one adult price and then adding on for extra adults/children but if it's not going to change the final price anyway, why bother?

  • calabrese
    calabrese Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited May 2016 #52

    Just read in the club magazine that the club managed to do what the SNP could not, and seperate Scotland from the rest of the UK. I read that the clubs northen-most site is Berwick Seaview

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,694
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited May 2016 #53

    Should be a fee per person....whatever their age. Get rid of the pitch fee.

    See Corners......that's how to take a positive stance.......

    but asking to pay full price for children would lead to higher fees and really lead to sites closing.

    No it wouldn't lead to site closures......because you say that Club sites are really busy and over-subscribed during school holidays.....

    OK business studies class 101.

    There is not one area of tourism or travel or leisure that charges full price for children. Kids eat free, kids for a pound, free child places on holidays. You could say that children eat less so are charged less. Yet even when children take up a full adult quota or seat they pay less. Children pay reduced prices at the cimema, football matches, trains, airplanes... (no planes are fueled for a trip by number of seats taken not adults or children)

    Why is this Ian? is it because these companies think that children are expensive to bring up and they feel sorry for parents? No - they do it for money. Children do not usually go to these places/travel by themselves, they go with their parents. Parents spend the money at these places/companies and parents go there because the children pay less. You are quite correct in saying 

    that Club sites are really busy and over-subscribed during school holidays...

    of course they are, anyone who goes on club sites or any site/holiday can see that. In some places the whole site/place is full of families during school holidays. You have said so yourself at NT places

    Now just think if the club charged full price for these children, what would happen? the parents would go to other sites that charge half price or less, all of a sudden the club sites that are full during the holidays (12 weeks) would be empty, the club would lose all that income, what would they club have to do? raise it's prices to make up the shortfall, or close some sites down for real.

    (thanks to Mrs H, a business studies teacher whose class I observed on this very subject)


    So these oversubscribed sites would suddenly become empty during holiday periods.....what a bizarre statement. 

    Mrs.H should maybe consider a career change if this is the information she provided. 

    You are right perhaps empty was the wrong word, I replace it with emptier, far emptier. Families will certainly go elsewhere if children have pay full price on club sites, and as it is mainly families who want to go to club sites during the main school holildays, who will fill the void they will leave? People complain on here that club prices are too high off peak so will the sites then then fill up with adults? Even if that were true you would then be losing the income from the child's prices so again income is down.

    If you can read my post carefully the teacher in question outlined the idea, used widely in the tourism/leisure industry, that children are used to get spending parents into their business, hence the kids go free ideas and nothing to do with club sites. Sorry if I didn't make that clear that it was about the first paragraph she was talking, but if it makes you happy attacking people outside the club now then carry on

    Anyway are you really in favour of the club charging full price for children? You did say in a privous post that the club should do more to attract families?

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited May 2016 #54

    Just read in the club magazine that the club managed to do what the SNP could not, and seperate Scotland from the rest of the UK. I read that the clubs northen-most site is Berwick Seaview

    Write your comments here...Which proves what the Scottish caravanners have been saying for years that the CC should have an E in front of the title.  The ECC.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,694
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    edited May 2016 #55

    Just read in the club magazine that the club managed to do what the SNP could not, and seperate Scotland from the rest of the UK. I read that the clubs northen-most site is Berwick Seaview

    Good one, I always laugh at the line in the Culloden site that says:

    where Bonnie Prince Charlie was defeated and Scottish history was

    really? written certainly but who then re-wrote it? Are the club Timelords as well?

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited May 2016 #56

    caravanners have been saying for years that the CC should have an E in front of the title.  The ECC.

    Oh dear, Kennie, no!  

    It should be HCCC.  Home Counties Caravan Club.

    I think a lot of what people complain about would never have happened with a Head Office in Rochdale.

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited May 2016 #57

    Just read in the club magazine that the club managed to do what the SNP could not, and seperate Scotland from the rest of the UK. I read that the clubs northen-most site is Berwick Seaview

    Good one, I always laugh at the line in the Culloden site that says:

    where Bonnie Prince Charlie was defeated and Scottish history was

    really? written certainly but who then re-wrote it? Are the club Timelords as well?

    Write your comments here...Yes Corners, the CC certainly got that right. . Laughing    

    I agree that the so called "Bonnie Prince Charlie"  did change Scotland's history, but not for the better. Scotland would have been much better off if he had stayed in Italy.  A totally despicable character whose only claim to fame was to dress
    up in women's clothing to evade capture. 



  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited May 2016 #58

    despicable character whose only claim to fame was to dress up in women's clothing to evade capture.

    Just a few hundred years ahead of his time, that's all.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,694
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    edited May 2016 #59

    despicable character whose only claim to fame was to dress up in women's clothing to evade capture.

    Just a few hundred years ahead of his time, that's all.

    yes, he could have won the eurovision song contest

  • Chestrefeldian
    Chestrefeldian Forum Participant Posts: 53
    edited July 2016 #60

    Probably aren't that many families that can afford the towcar and the caravan hence the reason the C&CC have a broadly younger rmembership and outlook due to tent members.  Sadly I think the CC has a focus on more "mature" people and gives the impression
    of being fuddy duddy.

    Write your comments here...hope our Chairman is reading and taking note and not pulling the back end off his caravan or attending set up awning parties. 

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,777
    500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited July 2016 #61

    Probably aren't that many families that can afford the towcar and the caravan hence the reason the C&CC have a broadly younger rmembership and outlook due to tent members.  Sadly I think the CC has a focus on more "mature" people and gives the impression
    of being fuddy duddy.

    Write your comments here...hope our Chairman is reading and taking note and not pulling the back end off his caravan or attending set up awning parties. 

    The make up of younger familes in the C&CC sites with tents is probably inevitable given tbe financial constraints mentioned. We started out with a tent but were able to move up to a caravan fairly early because I had a company car which meant did not have
    the expense of buying a car so used the money on a caravan.