Does anything beat a bag of chips when away?

HEDONIST Forum Participant Posts: 42
edited August 2013 in Caravan & Motorhome Chat #1

You know how it is. You've travelled to your site, got everything set up, made yourself a drink and are having a bit of 'chill time' before you even contemplate what you are having for tea.

More so at the coast, rather than inland sites, it is around this time I have a hankering for a bag of chips.
Tongue Out Not so much to see if there are any regional differences, as the thought of 'eating out' on the cheap, without having to dress
to impress, or have the inconvenience of washing up. That really appeals after a long day travelling.  I can think of few simpler pleasures than sitting on a sea wall with a bag of chips and a cold drink as I watch the waves crash onto the beach.

What special thing gives YOU a feeling of simple inner contentment when you're away?