Adults only sites - feedback

All our sites are chosen purely on location, as have little interest about whose sign is on the gate. It so happened that our trip to Northumberland last week meant we stayed on our first ever adults only site. Not a conscious choice, just purely the best location for the area we were in.
The first source of amusement was that the owners of the site had at least one child, which could be heard playing (somewhat noisily) with another child on the Sunday afternoon. Didn't bother me one iota as can cut off completely when needed. The second source of amusement was that there was a local attraction in the next field up, meaning car doors slamming and yes the sound of children could occasionally be heard.
So what conclusions did I get from my first experience of an adults only site? Well one of my pet hates is people playing ball games near other people's property, whether that be a caravan or a car, as I don't want an expensive dent put into something I have had to work hard to pay for, so am pleased to advise that not of the predominantly elderly site users was having a 'kick around'. There were no cycles just dumped in the middle of the roadways, no paper strewn about in the facility block, so the site was generally 'tidier' in that respect.
Would I use an adults only site again? Probably if it was in a location I wanted to visit, but I wouldn't go out my way to seek one out. I would truly never want to see adults only sites or indeed dog free sites in the club network, as once you start putting exclusions in place, then you start breaking up the very ethos of what the Caravan Club is all about.