CL etiquette

first time on a CL and it has restored my faith in caravanning, giving me that feeling of being far from the madding crowd.
Except I think my neighbour is part of the Madding crowd. There I was playing badminton with my 18 year old daughter, albeit between my van and the next door - at least 40 feet between us and playing there as it is in the shade, and he came and parked his
car right next to my daughter whilst she was playing, slid out of his car without a word and slunk around the back way to his van, avoiding us totally.
Plenty of other places to park out of the way, but he parked ther absolutely and deliberatel to stop us playing this clearly raucous and subversive game. His car is there now, about 10 feet away from my awning. Not a view I wanted.
Are we not meant to play reckless, loud and dangerous games like badminton, on a CL? I did not challenge him as they are off Wednesday and life is just too short to deal with narrow minded people, but I cannot say he is a good representative for the CL network,
let's hope it is a one off.
Anyway, rant over, looking forward to onother blistering day tomorrow!
I suppose it is all a question of how far away he parked from his own caravan. Most people park along side their caravan, usually to its offside if they have an awning. The accepted gap is 6mtrs on main sites so your 40ft equates to twice that at 13 mtrs.
It sounds a bit mean of him but was he parked fairly close to his own caravan? In other words were you eating into his expected space. Don't be put off CLs they are excellent on the whole and generally offer more space than many of the main sites.0 -
So far it would take more than this chap to put me off, first CL and it is lovely. Wonderful view, and I assume the sun always shines when you are on a CL?
Plus, I have a load of stale bread in the van......oh, wait, everything pales into insignificance, I have just opened a nice bottle of red.