Closures CL



  • oakapple
    oakapple Forum Participant Posts: 45
    edited March 2016 #32

     CL was seen to have as much of a standing in the Club as an Affiliated Site.

    Doubt that's the case David, as I suspect that the clubs receives some income from Affiliated Site, which there don't get from CLs. I do appreciate that many caravanners would not be members if it was not for there being CLs, hence bring income in
    membership fees to the club, but IMO the CC do not see it that way.

    As you see from the following, taken from the CC website,  the CC do get an income from the affiliated sites as you suspect nth, and a negotiable amount, I wonder what the average is? The CC also imposes membership on new CL owners which they never used

    "Affiliated Sites are a core part of The Caravan Club network, and benefit from close association with The Club.

    Green button At the same time, Affiliated sites remain independently owned or managed, and retain responsibility for bookings and pricing (in consultation with Caravan Club regional

    Green button Affiliated Sites have direct access to The Club, via the Regional Manager, who will be only too pleased to help and advise on operating and developing the site.

    Green button Affiliated Sites are also featured on the website, in the Sites Directory and Handbook and in the Site Collection brochures.

    Green button In return, Affiliated Sites pay an annual fee, negotiated as part of a two year agreement based on location, facilities and size."

  • JayEss
    JayEss Forum Participant Posts: 1,663
    edited March 2016 #33

    Affiliated Sites are certainly not a core part of my caravan club network.  They irritate me intensely when I'm searching for late availability or using the map search.  I wish we could exclude them

    I see another 'addition to the site network' in the current magazine.  What a pointless waste of space that could have been used to promote CLs which are after all members only.

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited March 2016 #34

    They can be excluded from the new "app" (which seems to have replaced the handbook supplement this year - and maybe handbook next year.)

    Interesting it is just a two year "arrangement" so an affiliated site could be gone at any moment.   I wonder if they have to give all the signs back?

  • JayEss
    JayEss Forum Participant Posts: 1,663
    edited March 2016 #35

    Thanks Nav - I'll be using the app from now on then

    Except of course that it needs a location to search around which is no use for late availability

    CL search is better than I expected

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
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    edited March 2016 #36

    The app doesn't do what it says at the moment. I choose 'no facilities' as I am completely self sufficient and it brings up sites with EHUs!!!  So a bit of work to do there chaps. If CLs are closing, could it be that we only have ourselves to blame? Personally, I only use CL's and I echo the thoughts of others. The owners are kind, helpful, non interfering and PRIVATE SMALL BUSINESSES. They need customers!

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,159
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    edited March 2016 #37

    Perhaps one of the reasons that there are so many closures of CLs is the rise in the number of other caravan sites, run under the banner of different organisations, opening in the same area. We are on a CL at the moment who had a lot fewer booking last year because there are now 10 site in the same small area. If this is happing in other regions some CL owners probably consider it not worth while continuing with their site, especially if they've not invested huge amounts putting in extra facilities such as Toilets & Showers.

  • Manorbungalowcl
    Manorbungalowcl Forum Participant Posts: 21
    edited March 2016 #38

    Unless a CL is full throughout the season, it rarely makes a profit. Maybe some sites feel its not worth it. Apart from the site books and this website, we have to advertise ourselves. We are lucky that 80% of our customers are repeat, but we have been told
    many times, that people want to keep our site to themselves for fear of not getting on. On the other hand, some of our regular visitors, bring their friends and so it goes on.  We certainly are never full all summer and we have been running since 2008. Luckily
    for us, its a hobby, not a buisness that needs to make money. We charge £9 per night, including EHU, we have never appeared in the caravan club magazine nor are we likely too. For us, we meet some amazing people and our thrill is sharing our land for others
    to enjoy. A bit of extra advetising would not go a miss though. Laughing

  • DaveandVicki
    DaveandVicki Forum Participant Posts: 192
    edited March 2016 #39

    Four in

    Four out in April mag.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,450
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    edited March 2016 #40

    Well that is a bit better than last month! Personally, CL location plays probably the biggest factor in choice for us, price and facilities next. 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,159
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    edited March 2016 #41

    Four in

    Four out in April mag.

    Noticed that myself. 3 new ones with EHU and 1 without, by the looks of it. 2 of each with the ones that have gone.