Motorhome stopover/ stellplatz
Not sure if this is the place for this but here goes. We have owned a motorhome for 8 years now and love the freedom it gives to just decide on the spur of the moment that we will go here or there depending on what the weather is like or how we feel. Our
biggest frustration though is lack of availability of sites - especially at short notice. We are also getting fed up with paying anything up to £30 a night for the privalige of parking somewhere for just a few hours and often not even using the facilities.
This brings me to stelplatz. Having been to germany a couple of times now I think it is about time the club started to look after its motorhome owning members and either lobby for local councils to provide them or better still start to provide them themselves.
Many club sites have late arrivals areas or car parks - why could these not be made available to motorhomes for short term stays between 8pm and 10am on a first come first served basis. They could operate on a pay and display basis and if additional facilities
such as waste water dumping an additional charge could be made.
We do love club sites and sometimes like to stay on one site for a few days at a time but many others we would far prefer to just come late and go early but above all we need flexibility.