First episode of Caravanner of the year on tv

PRINCESS Forum Participant Posts: 4
edited April 2016 in Entertainment #1

Well I eagerly awaited the programme, Caravvaner of the year, and was taken aback by what I saw, how can anyone, even more so a judge, take a caravan up a slope, and tear the back end of the caravan off, and decide to show this on tv, if we had not been
caravanner for many years, and where thinking of taking up caravaning, that could put people off, especially when the people judging made such a ridiculous mistake, come on Caravan Club I am sure you can do better than that, I wonder what Caravan club insurance
would say to that claim!!!


  • JillwithaJay
    JillwithaJay Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 2,487
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited April 2016 #2


    As you might see, we've had many threads started on this topic all of which are duplicates of the original which is


    I'm closing this one to avoid any further duplication.

    photo 78301b06-7bdd-45fe-8ae2-d4d2cae14135_zpssi5htrez.jpg