It's a boy but we knew that anyway

My Daughter -in law `s twin sister and her husband on monday had a little boy ,i am not naming them on purpose due to privicy .
the little chap was born at 14.00 hours +/- minutes .
unfortunately he did his busines as he was being born if you know what i mean ,and he ingested some of the contents ,making him ill ,his poor little ticker was only 80 bpm should be 100 bpm i think ?
he was taken away to be treated and incubated .
he then showed signes of deterieration ,a lumbar puncture was carried out and sent off to the lab at the JR Oxford and came back as meningitis ,he now has to have injections daily for two weeks .at 150mg so i here , BUT it is said he will recover all limbs
intact thank heavens . and make a good recovery , the next day upon his injection the two nurses giving the jab mixed him up with another little chap with the same surname and basically under dosed him at 120mg.
the other poor sole got the 150mg shot .
both parents are keen to get home . all future injections will be questioned regard the dose .
now jorndis has set in so he needs some sun .