Avtex Camper Sat Nav

PLMetcalfe Forum Participant Posts: 23
edited July 2016 in Caravans #1

Apologies if this has been covered before. We are looking for a suitable Caravan friendly Sat Nav. Is the club's Avtex Camper Sat Nav a good buy or is there a smarter one out there. We tug a 2016 Buccaneer Cruiser and would like to stay on reasonable UK
(accepting the UK's  road maintenance issues) and european roads. We currently have a standard Garmin car sat nav and this certainly is not practical. Snooper reviews look reasonable on the web however we wonder why the CC does not endorse it as a "good" /
"best" option.


  • IanBHawkes
    IanBHawkes Forum Participant Posts: 212
    edited July 2016 #2

    I have the Avtex Premium Caravan Club edition Sat Nav and used it in Germany and Holland this year and no problems with it. It is very good and clear. obviously, check the route with a decent map, but it should get you to where you want to be. It also
    has CC sites, CLs and ACSI sites already on it, these can be updated whenever you connect it up to your computer.

  • Robster2007
    Robster2007 Forum Participant Posts: 38
    edited July 2016 #3

    Are you an iPhone user?

    CoPilot do a caravan specie app.

    you can set up a profile specific to your whole rig to ensure you go on appropriate roads.

    it gets some good write ups and I think is only £45.


  • PLMetcalfe
    PLMetcalfe Forum Participant Posts: 23
    edited July 2016 #4

    Thanks for responding. We do use an iphone and are aware of the ap however we are getting to the point where putting all our eggs in one basket (so many iphone aps) feels wrong. Our caravan is big and heavy and just recently the garmin that we normally use
    sent us down some really unsuitable roads. We are looking to buy a dedicated system. We appreciate that they are not cheap however compared to the cost of our rig we think it may be worth the expense. 

  • mhparking
    mhparking Forum Participant Posts: 155
    edited July 2016 #5

    I woudn't pay extra for the Avtex over the standard Garmin Camper 660 LMT-D because (as far as I can see) all the "special" stuff that is of any use (e.g. POIs for sites/CLs for both CC and C&CC) can be downloaded and installed on the device for free anyway. Some Aldi stores still have the Garmin Camper 660 LMT-D in stock at £199.99 or less.

    I wouldn't buy Snooper (or Aguri) because they don't allow customers to load 3rd party POIs.

    I wouldn't recommend the current (NAV4) TomTom range either (wish I had looked at their forum before buying).

    I would guess that the CC doesn't endorse any particular device (other than through a tie in which has a marketing advantage for them) because none of them are perfect (& depend on sensible use) and endorsement might result in too many complaints from people who did not use them sensibly :-)

    You may be interested in my notes of my own experiences (with notes on an ongoing non-scientific comparison) Here.


  • PLMetcalfe
    PLMetcalfe Forum Participant Posts: 23
    edited July 2016 #6

    Graham, I have responded on the C&CC site. Great information. I appreciate your view on the Avtex re cost however on looking at the Avtex on this site I see that it is powered by Garmin?? Cost seems reasonable and has 3yr warranty. Would appreciate a further
    comment from you re this.


    KENNYG Forum Participant Posts: 215
    edited July 2016 #7

    Bought the Avtex garmin camper sat nav two weeks ago. I have tried it on the caravan app and with the car some of the caravan routes are not suitable for a caravan and the car route I would use for the caravan. Though the Cc app would use the final routes
    that the site directory used ha ha no it doesn't but you can use shaping but you can with the garmin 660 so the extra 100 pounds is not worth it in my opinion should have gone for the standard garmin 660.

  • IanBHawkes
    IanBHawkes Forum Participant Posts: 212
    edited July 2016 #8

    I purchased the Avtex Garmin recently and used it to go to Scotland without the 'van. I wrote the following in February: "Just bought the Avtex CC satnav and used it last week for the 1st time. I wasn't towing so it was set for car only. It directed
    me from Gateshead to Fort William with no problems and likewise on the return. The last time I did this journey I was using a Tomtom and whilst got me there okay on the journey back it had me by-pass Edinburgh and took me over to Glasgow and down the M74!
    Having the caravan on the back I was reluctant to try going off route!"

    The Garmin brought me back the sensible way via the Edinburgh by-pass and down through Jedburgh to Gateshead.

    I have since then been to Germany and Holland with the 'van and I had no problems at all. Whilst in Germany I used a route to a supermarket about 10 miles away, the 1st time I used it in car mode and it took me through the town to the shops. The next
    time I put it into Caravan mode and did the same route to the same supermarket, this time it took me round the town and brought me to the shops from another direction thus avoiding taking a unit through a town centre.

    Overall, I am very pleased with it and don't have any problem recommending it.

    KENNYG Forum Participant Posts: 215
    edited July 2016 #9

    I purchased the Avtex Garmin recently and used it to go to Scotland without the 'van. I wrote the following in February: "Just bought the Avtex CC satnav and used it last week for the 1st time. I wasn't towing so it was set for car only. It directed
    me from Gateshead to Fort William with no problems and likewise on the return. The last time I did this journey I was using a Tomtom and whilst got me there okay on the journey back it had me by-pass Edinburgh and took me over to Glasgow and down the M74!
    Having the caravan on the back I was reluctant to try going off route!"

    The Garmin brought me back the sensible way via the Edinburgh by-pass and down through Jedburgh to Gateshead.

    I have since then been to Germany and Holland with the 'van and I had no problems at all. Whilst in Germany I used a route to a supermarket about 10 miles away, the 1st time I used it in car mode and it took me through the town to the shops. The next
    time I put it into Caravan mode and did the same route to the same supermarket, this time it took me round the town and brought me to the shops from another direction thus avoiding taking a unit through a town centre.

    Overall, I am very pleased with it and don't have any problem recommending it.

     I am glad you are pleased with your sat nav, I will just have to keep an eye on the routes it shows me, see how we go next time out next week I think. 

  • mhparking
    mhparking Forum Participant Posts: 155
    edited July 2016 #10

    Graham, I have responded on the C&CC site. Great information. I appreciate your view on the Avtex re cost however on looking at the Avtex on this site I see that it is powered by Garmin?? Cost seems reasonable and has 3yr warranty. Would appreciate a further
    comment from you re this.


    AFAIK the Avtex is just the Garmin Camper 660 LMT-D with some extra POI sets that can be downloaded for free anyway. That being the case there is no point in paying more for the Avtex than for the standard model, especially if one car find an Aldi with remaining


  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Forum Participant Posts: 3,007
    edited July 2016 #11

    I bought the standard Garmin which is substantially cheaper. You can download all the sites in Europe using Archies website so the question then is, does the "camper" version give you different or better routes. I have seen caravans and motorhomes using
    roads on the continent, by choice, that I have been reluctant to take a solo car on so how does it determine a "camper" route as opposed to a normal route?

  • PLMetcalfe
    PLMetcalfe Forum Participant Posts: 23
    edited July 2016 #12

    Thanks to everyone for their views / posts, we have now purchased the Avtex Garmin Camper. Guess time will tell if it is a good buy or not and we accept that we should check its recommended routes against a map where practicable. If it does not do
    the job we will send it back. Having now looked in depth at the web re previous various posts / reviews on this matter and the excellent feedback on this feed we conclude that like most things today you get what you pay for and take more of a chance with the
    so called bargains. We also accept that like all IT matters things change at a rapid pace. Hope you all have a good time camping, caravaning, motorhoming and don't take life to seriously.

    Philip & Lesley

  • dastathom
    dastathom Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited May 2017 #13

    Personally I would not suggest buying the overpriced Caravan Club sat nav. Bought one, used it for 12 months and the speaker has packed up. Have also had loads of problems with being taken to wrong places etc. 

    Give a big miss


  • ClubMemberF8B28D7E61
    ClubMemberF8B28D7E61 Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited October 2017 #14

    I bought the Avtex Garmin 660 Camper last year and am not impressed with it at all. I had been using a TomTom for years but always felt the need to check the route against a map before I set off so it did not take me on unsuitable roads. I expected the Garmin to provide worry free towing but it does not. It has taken me along roads with my caravan that I would not have even gone along solo. It has taken me on enormous diversions for no reason (where I am familiar with the area) and has misdirected me to two sites already, one which took me into a cul-de-sac. I have contacted Avtex on numerous occasions just to be passed around from person to person with promises of call-backs that never came. I have provided details of "suitable" routes and everything they have asked for just to be told, when I call again, that the person dealing with my case has left the team. There is also no setting on this satnav to keep you on main roads when solo (like there is on the TomTom) and it takes me along ridiculously narrow roads which take longer. I have tried ALL the different settings, including Fastest Route, and it still does this which is very annoying. I have set up and use a large motorhome vehicle profile which helps somewhat but it still is not very good. I tried to get my money back shortly after purchase because it is "not fit for purpose" (does not provide worry-free towing) but they refused, suggesting it was user error. But I have tried all their suggestions and every setting available and it simply does not do the job. It is a complete waste of money and you may as well buy a much cheaper satnav unit. Having all the sites pre-loaded is nice but it is easy to get the co-ordinates from the club sites page anyway.

  • dmiller555
    dmiller555 Forum Participant Posts: 717
    edited October 2017 #15

    I too tried and returned a Garmin, two in fact and could not get to work correctly so I brought the Co-Pilot caravan app and installed it of a mini iPad. I've now been using that for about two years and am very happy with it.

  • Pippah45
    Pippah45 Forum Participant Posts: 2,452
    edited October 2017 #16

    I too am not entirely happy with the Garmin so am now back to checking with the map some of the time.  Perhaps we should have a go at them for mis-selling it? 

  • Jomo60
    Jomo60 Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited October 2017 #17

    Not impressed by the Avtex Satnav, we were travelling from Hutton le Hole to Thirsk and we came upon roads signs advising that Caravans were not allowed to take the main route due to very steep hills, the Avtex unit wanted to take us on this route that we were forbidden to take, and not at anytime did it look at the detour. Stick with Tom Tom.

  • mickathy
    mickathy Forum Participant Posts: 5
    edited August 2018 #18

    this is just some of the problems have had with my 

    Avtex Tourer One Plus

    Software Version 5.3

    When you program a route in it gives the message ready to navigate please drive to highlighted route and then it keeps collocating the route over and over again repeating the message please drive to the highlighted route.

    When on route it keeps collocating the route over and over again in fact it does not stop doing this.

    It keeps repeating instructions over and over again.

    It keeps repeating that the road you are on is closed and telling you that it will re-collocate a new route while keep trying to re-collocate the route over and over again.

    Sends you to the new route and while you are on the new route keeps telling the route that you were on is closed and it will re-rout you and at the same time it keeps trying tore-collocate a new route.

    The new route it puts you on puts you back to where you started from when it first re-routed you while all the time it is trying to re-collocate a route.

    It cuts out with no instruction’s being given re the route and then will cut back in but still is trying to collocate the route and then will repeat them over and over.

    When instructions are given they are incomplete and are cut short


    At times it tells you are going the wrong way down a street when you are not. These are not new roads they are well established roads.

    The map off my street is incorrect as you turn into the street there are 2 cul-de-sac’s one on the left and one opposite on the right  my cul-de-sac on the right is not shown on the map.   

    i sent it back and was given a full refund. 

  • mickathy
    mickathy Forum Participant Posts: 5
    edited August 2018 #19

    like you i am far from being impressed for what it cost not fit for purpose a wast of money

    Moderator Edit:

    Mickathy - this post is a duplicate of your own newly created thread which has been moved into the Parts and Accessories Section.  

    It would be helpful if the discussion could be kept in the one place, i.e. your new thread.

    Many Thanks.

  • mickathy
    mickathy Forum Participant Posts: 5
    edited August 2018 #20

    with you 100% this is just some of the problems i had be for i returned it and got a full refund 

    Avtex Tourer One Plus

    Serial Number 57C001466

    Software Version 5.30

    Problem with software.

    When you program a route in it gives the message ready to navigate please drive to highlighted route and then it keeps collocating the route over and over again repeating the message please drive to the highlighted route.

    When on route it keeps collocating the route over and over again in fact it does not stop doing this.

    It keeps repeating instructions over and over again.

    It keeps repeating that the road you are on is closed and telling you that it will re-collocate a new route while keep trying to re-collocate the route over and over again.

    Sends you to the new route and while you are on the new route keeps telling the route that you were on is closed and it will re-rout you and at the same time it keeps trying tore-collocate a new route.

    The new route it puts you on puts you back to where you started from when it first re-routed you while all the time it is trying to re-collocate a route.

    It cuts out with no instruction’s being given re the route and then will cut back in but still is trying to collocate the route and then will repeat them over and over.

    When instructions are given they are incomplete and are cut short


    At times it tells you are going the wrong way down a street when you are not. These are not new roads they are well established roads.

    The map off my street is incorrect as you turn into the street there are 2 cul-de-sac’s one on the left and one opposite on the right  my cul-de-sac on the right is not shown on the map.   

  • ScreenNameA3A9D3FCB6
    ScreenNameA3A9D3FCB6 Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited August 2021 #21

    Hi,everyone hope your all keeping well.I’m thinking about purchasing the Avtex tourer 2 is it worth it for peace of mind or are there any better alternatives cheers 

  • kentman
    kentman Forum Participant Posts: 147
    edited August 2021 #22

    We use a tomtom camper and caravan and have found it excellent both at home and on the continent.  It even finds the correct route to sites where the CC directory tells you to avoid other options

  • eribaMotters
    eribaMotters Club Member Posts: 1,233
    1000 Comments 250 Likes Name Dropper
    edited August 2021 #23

    The satnav is only as good as the mapping that goes into it. None is perfect but I know for sure it will make less mistakes than me and redirect me more quickly than I can read a map.

    ]The advantage of the Avtex to me is it that it's a Garmin and as such I believe it uses the same mapping as viamichelin website. Since starting to use a computer I have used the site when planning a journey. It allows me to put in via points so I can see exactly where I am going. Over the years I've found it's on road times are very accurate. 

    Like many others I use the satnav with a map and a look on the internet first. At least this way I can try and minimise my chances of a mistake.

    i also like the inbuilt directory of sites. I'm not a techie so it's great they are already loaded.



  • scubadesflier
    scubadesflier Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited August 2021 #24

    First a techy question. My Avtex tourer one is showing the internal memory as almost full and my memory card as nearly empty. What files/olders can I transfer from internal memory to the SD car? Is there a way to ensure that all my saved trips are stored on the card?

    The second query / grouse will follow in a ubsequent post.

    Thanks in anticipation for any replies

    Des Small


  • scubadesflier
    scubadesflier Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited August 2021 #25

    My next question concerns the speed limit notifications in the Garmin Avtex tourer one. I have updated the maps to the latest available, but I find the speed limit notifications to be very inaccurate both in position and speed stated. In Tom tom it was possible to post errors which were then checked and updates issued. Is there such a facility for Garmin sat navs? I realise that observation is the best method, but sometimes the reminder on the sat nav is valuable reminder.



  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Forum Participant Posts: 3,007
    edited August 2021 #26

    I have a standard Garmin with lifetime maps.It’s about 5 yers old and I find the speed limits throughout Europe to be extremely accurate. There is no feedback system.