(Moved from Social Room)
Just a note for new motorhome users or a thought for the rest of us certainly those of us like me, a bit of a spanner sometimes .about two years ago i had gone to cornwall for a few days ,i found it a struggle to start my van in the morning so put my genny on to charge the battery , wow it worked . two days later i did the same thing ,BUT as i started the van the genny was still plugged in and running ,i found my self busting for a pee so i went ,and as i releived my self in my vans loo there was a crack and a pop and some smoke coming from my ecu i dived out and shut my genny off pulled the plug and through my breakers off and prepaired for a fire that never happened . just goes to show you you can not run your engine with electric hook up in and that i should have got a new battery the day before what a plonker . the same day i had just done a deal on a new motorhome went to get a new battery and get the electrics looked at and the gearbox went on dead mans hill on the boarder of devon and cornwall and that cost me £300. for recovery /new battery and a bodge on the gear box till i could take home my new vehicle .. i will not do that again