Are we 'risk averse' regarding Children?...
The title is 'risk averse' it is about our attitude to Children & safety. I have a 28Month old Grandson who is your typical child, he loves the outdoors & thankfully Trees. I have started to work on his burgeoning passion for climbing. We have sat
in the crotch of a Tree 12' up. He loved it, the look of awe on his face as he stared over the countryside nestled between my legs was a total delight. I have begun instilling in him the art of climbing Trees, particularly the ability of not falling from the
Tree. We as guardians can do 2 things-1) cotton wool them & not let them do anything remotely dangerous. 2) accept they will climb & explore & be Children, so teach them the safe way. He climbs naturally, he loves it, he has strength & a fear of nothing, he
is a typical child. I have shadowed him to 12' without issue, in the future I will allow him to make mistakes but ensure I am his safety net. He needs to make mistakes to enable him to learn from them. We can use 100 words explaining dangers-but 1 safe/controlled
slip will say it all with power, power to stay with them for life. He will be taught to be his own safety officer, & a risk assessor that never sleeps. I love my Grandson beyond words, I see this as the best way to protect him. This is my way, is it the way
of others?