Insurance Cover

We are insured through the caravan club and it is excellent. However, when we set up our first years cover we did not know some of the terminology. When asked whether we had a wheel lock we said yes, and were given a discount. Our response was based on the
fact we had purchased a Gold Standard SAS Super Duo clamp costing £122.50. The dealership told us this was the best we could get. What we had not realised the difference between a lock and a clamp. Even though the clamp has a barrel lock it is not a lock in
terms of the wheel lock required to get a discount.
Another point not obvious to us is that the caravan is not coverd by the Caravan insurance when it is being towed. So it is essential to ensure your towing vehicle insurance covers you for towing. That cover will cover damage to the towing vehicle and any
third party but any damage to your caravan is covered by your caravan insurance. So in the event of you having an accident you are likely to have to claim from both insurers.
I hope the above is clear.