
TheAdmiral Forum Participant Posts: 506
edited March 2016 in Sports #1

Some of you are probably aware of the furore around womensv mens tennis of late, I was watching a clip of Andy Murray on Sky News complaining to the Umpire that he was playing with womens balls, he lost his rag with the Umpire



  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited March 2016 #2

    I must say that I agree that the women's game is not in the same league as the men's game - that is not a sexist comment, it's just a statement that the men work a lot harder, run for more shots and play harder and faster. They also play for longer.

    Apparantly men's tennis balls have a more durable felt covering (because they have a harder life, presumably) and that makes them a bit slower.