Are we losing 'Choice' of pitch ?

Just read this month's Club magazine and it seems 'As a trial' certain sites will have an extra 'Choice' when booking online: ie. you will be able to state whether you want a 'Hardstanding or not', as well as 'Awning or not'
This SEEMS like giving more choice, but infact if you arrive, you will be told Avoid Red Pegs, they are Service pitches, avoid Blue pegs they are Non Awning and you booked an awning, avoid all the grass pitches because you booked a Hardstanding AND the only hardstanding left (which you booked) is the one under the Trees, by the Dustbins !!!
There is still no booking of individual (numbered) Pitches, but feel that that is the way things are going.
Being 'allocated a pitch' is the very reason I left the C&CClub, and YES, I have been refused a change of pitch (at the Culzean castle site). Don't want the CC going down the same path, what with that AND stupid 'Pods', who are they for ?? not for members.