Car insurance question

Ford295 Forum Participant Posts: 7

Hi all,

Not sure if this sits in this area, but we are new to caravaning so it won't be far away. I had to have a tow bar fitted to my Kia Sorento so I could join the world of caravaning. I rang my car insurance to tell them about the tow bar as it is classed as
a modification and I was shocked to hear that the under righters refused my insurance and I was left having to take out a new policy And of course it went up in cost as well. Anyone else had this?Worried 


  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
    1,500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited March 2016 #2

    Some insurance companies do class it as a modification but many don't, it pays to shop around. For instance my insurance is with Landrover and underwritten by Allianz, a towbar is not classed as a modification by them and no extra payment required, this was replied in Email when I notified them.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited March 2016 #3

    If they class a towbar as an excuse to not insure your vehicle, then i would i would be worried about them as a company in the event of a claimUndecided

  • Ford295
    Ford295 Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited March 2016 #4

    Marks and Spencer Insurance,  they obviously use other companies but even so I am really disappointed with them and don't think I will stay with them long term. 

  • commeyras
    commeyras Club Member Posts: 1,853
    1000 Comments 250 Likes
    edited March 2016 #5

    In all my years caravanning never heard of this.  Yes a towbar is a modification but this has always just been noted with no extra cost. 

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,928
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    edited March 2016 #6

    I have a tow bar on a Freelander2,  M&S insurance notified and they accepted it without problem and without any surcharge. 

  • tigerfish
    tigerfish Forum Participant Posts: 1,362
    edited March 2016 #7

    Many Policies do require you to advise them that you might tow on occasions.  I have never been required to pay additional premiums after doing so. If that did become the case I would very quickly change insurer. Currently with NFU - Great!


  • Scottie2
    Scottie2 Forum Participant Posts: 226
    edited March 2016 #8

    Hi all,

    Not sure if this sits in this area, but we are new to caravaning so it won't be far away. I had to have a tow bar fitted to my Kia Sorento so I could join the world of caravaning. I rang my car insurance to tell them about the tow bar as it is classed as
    a modification and I was shocked to hear that the under righters refused my insurance and I was left having to take out a new policy And of course it went up in cost as well. Anyone else had this?Worried 

    Write your comments here...Insure with The Caravan Club, you declare to them you have a towbar fitted and they enter that onto your policy but they do not charge you any extra premium.

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,777
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    edited March 2016 #9

    The decision is total rubbish and I can only think someone has got their wires crossed at the firm. Drivers who tow are statitically safer than the rest so there is no reason to exclude them or even charge a higher premium.  The replacement policy should
    not cost more but it depends who you went with. 

    It is a modification but most insurers do not regard it as relevant but you should declare it. If they charge more they are at it and look elsewhere. 

    Both clubs insurers will not charge extra and my insurer More Than do not amongst others.

  • Tigi
    Tigi Forum Participant Posts: 1,038
    edited March 2016 #10

    Wonder how they would view a factory fit towbar which is not classed as a modification.

  • Ford295
    Ford295 Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited March 2016 #11

    Well I know which company I won't be using again. Thanks for all your comments .

  • ALANkW
    ALANkW Forum Participant Posts: 70
    edited March 2016 #12

    A bit off topic but my neighbour took his wife off his polcy on renewal yes no problem sir this will increase the price by £50 

    What the 

  • Ford295
    Ford295 Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited March 2016 #13

    Well that is an easy one, my wife is always telling me to slow down. So if she wasn't there it would certainly increase my risk

  • PR1
    PR1 Forum Participant Posts: 96
    edited March 2016 #14

    A bit off topic but my neighbour took his wife off his polcy on renewal yes no problem sir this will increase the price by £50 

    What the 

    Put myself on my daughters policy and the cost came down by £220 a year!

  • Nuggy
    Nuggy Forum Participant Posts: 512
    edited March 2016 #15

    Ford295, they are trying to con you, I have a Sorento and a few weeks ago notified my insurance about the towbar I have had fitted. They said thanks for letting us know, there is no extra charge to my premium. I am with Royal Sun Alliance.

  • Vicmallows
    Vicmallows Forum Participant Posts: 580
    edited March 2016 #16

    Many quote MORE for 3rd-Party-Only than for Fully-Comp.

    Apparantly those who request 3rd Party (thinking it will be the cheapest) are statistically the higher risk.


  • Scottie2
    Scottie2 Forum Participant Posts: 226
    edited March 2016 #17

    My Mondeo insurance renewal arrived from Direct Line recently. I went on to them stating the increase  from last year was more than I thought reasonable. Spoke to Loyalty Dept., and received a reduction of the annual premium of £28. It is always worthwhile
    to try negotiating .

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,777
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    edited March 2016 #18

    Wonder how they would view a factory fit towbar which is not classed as a modification.

    Anything that is not in the standard spec is a modification. A factory fit towbar is a modification because it is an extra, the fact it was fitted by the manufacturer at the end of the line makes no difference.