Sevylor 12v pump and towcars

Teaboat Forum Participant Posts: 1
edited April 2015 in Towcars & Towing #1


I purchased a Sevylor 12v pump mainly pumping up the Sevylor inflatable canoe (not purchased) but also the Kampa Rally Air Pro Awning. Turns out the pump has a current draw of 16A, whereas, as i discovered, both the caravan 12v and the car (Nissan Pathfinder) max ampage is 10A is less.

Granted I should have checked the pump ampage before purchase, but I niavely assumed that as it was a cigaratte lighter style plug it would work on most cars. Turns out that most cars dont have 12v cigaratte lighter socktet that can draws 16A. I am now left with what appears to be useless piece of kit - and I sure I am not the only person this has happend too!

Any ideas if there is a way I can still use it? For example, I have seen an extension lead that connects directly to the car battery with crodile clips. Can I use this with either the car battery or the caravan leisure battery. Again, as the pump will be drawing 16A, albeit for a short time is this going to be an issue?