Urban Tales

mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,528
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edited February 2015 in General Chat #1

An earlier thread got me thinking about this subject. Although I'm sure that there are elements of truth behind many urban myths that are spread, it's sensationalism, ridicule or shock that makes these forms of gossip so 'popular'. One of the very first ones I heard was one that folk seemed so keen at the time to tell in casual conversations with friends and their friends were so delighted and amazed to hear. 

The story emerged soon after many cars were being fitted with steering wheel locks. The tale went that several people had had these engaged whilst driving. Now, we may never know if such an event happened but you would have thought by the rush to recount the 'event' by folk at the time and the look of shock and delight on the faces of the audience that such an event had spontaneously happened right across Britain to a whole bunch of different people in different places and in different circumstances. Not only that but the varied consequences of these events ranged from the ridiculous to the tragic.

Now there have been many, many urban tales over the years, some we should just recognise as fable underpinned by a salutary message but some are dark or just plain daft. Have you any examples you can share be they those emboldened half truths or a full blown myth ? Go on, there are lots to go at particularly regarding topics like Health and Safety and The EU!